The Top Picnic Spots in Barcelona Discover Walks Blog

According to users from, the best place to hike in Collserola Nature Park is L'Oreneta - Turó alt d'en Solanes - Muntanya Pelada, which has a 4.3 star rating from 22 reviews. This trail is 9.8 mi long with an elevation gain of 2,152 ft.
Scenic Walking Barcelona Collserola Parque Natural
The magnificent mountain range Serra de Collserola rises up over the Barcelona Metropolitan Area. It is almost touching the city. For the huge population that lives around these mountains it forms a much-loved and incredibly valuable natural area and a great privilege to enjoy.
Il Parco del Collserola, polmone verde di Barcellona itBarcellona

Boasting over 8,000 hectares, Collserola Park is an invaluable natural heritage. In the case of a dense and compact city such as Barcelona, finding large green spaces is an added difficulty. This lends even more value to the more than 8,000 hectares of Collserola Park. The park's presence ensures quality of life for Barcelona's residents.
Barcelona viewpoints and Collserola Natural Park hiking tour OutdoorTrip

Parc de Collserola, photo courtesy of Ajuntament de Barcelona (CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0). Parc Natural de la Serra de Collserola, with over 8,000 hectares, is an isle of green in the middle of one of the most densely populated urban areas on the Mediterranean coastline. Fifty percent of the population of Catalunya lives less than 10 kilometers away from.
An Aerial Shot of The Church of the Sacred Heart in the Serra de Collserola Natural Park

Consorcio del Parque Natural de la Sierra de Collserola Ctra. de l'Església, 92 08017, Barcelona. 932 803 552;; Contacto; Buzón de sugerencias. Pla Especial de Protecció del Medi Natural i del Paisatge del Parc Natural de la Serra de Collserola (PEPNat) Pla d'Espais d'Interès Natural (PEIN) Xarxa Natura 2000.
Parc de Collserola Attractions in Vallvidrera, el Tibidabo i les Planes, Barcelona

A paradise for walkers, cyclists, runners and horse riders. With over 8,000 hectares, it is considered the biggest metropolitan park in the country. Sant Cugat is the city with the largest area included in the Serra de Collserola Natural Park, with 44%. It covers two partial natural reserves: the Font Groga and the Rierada-Can Balasc.
CollserolaCatalunyaEspanya Natural Parks Project

WINTER Welcome to the Collserola Natural Park Geneta | autor: Oriol Massana La nit, l'espai de tranquil·litat necessari per a la fauna silvestre de Collserola. Consorci del Parc Natural de la Serra de Collserola Ctra. de l'Església, 92 08017, Barcelona. 932 803 552;; Contact; Suggestion box; Map of the Park; Legal.
CollserolaCatalunyaEspanya Natural Parks Project

Noticias relacionadas. Así se borran 60 años de abandono en la sierra de Collserola El alcalde de Barcelona por el PSC, Jaume Collboni, en calidad de presidente del Área Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB) y del Consorcio del Parque Natural de la Serra de Collserola, ha reclamado al Govern en funciones que le entregue el millón de euros que le prometió para proteger este espacio natural.
Collserola Parques Naturales España Fascinante

Te damos la bienvenida. El parque central de la metrópolis. Con el Tibidabo como colina más emblemática, el macizo de Collserola se ha convertido hoy en un espacio natural imprescindible para la conurbación metropolitana. El parque natural, con 8.156 hectáreas, es el pulmón natural, la escuela de naturaleza y el espacio de recreo de las.
Parc Natural de la Serra de Collserola en Barcelona Parque municipal en España

The Serra de Collserola Natural Park is the largest green area in the metropolitan area of Barcelona, with more than 8,000 hectares of surface.A paradise for walkers, cyclists, runners and horse lovers. We suggest the following activities to enjoy a day outdoors and go out: Excursion to the Fountain of the Budellera
Hiking in the Collserola Natural Park The Barcelona Feeling

Consorci del Parc Natural de la Serra de Collserola Ctra. de l'Església, 92 08017, Barcelona. 932 803 552;; Contacte;. Plan Especial de Protección del Medio Natural y del Paisaje del Parque Natural de la Sierra de Collserola (PEPNat) Plan de Espacios de Interés Natural (PEIN) Red Natura 2000; Declaración de Parque.
Parc Natural de la Serra de Collserola en Barcelona Parque municipal en España

The Parc Natural de la Serra de Collserola [Collserola Natural Park] is Barcelona's largest natural space, if you don't count the Mediterranean Sea.A green expanse that includes part of four districts in the capital and eight further municipalities in the Barcelona metropolitan area.. It covers more than 8,000 hectares and is rife with plant and animal life, making it one of the best day.
Collserola Natural Park, routes and tours Visit Sant Cugat Barcelona

The Serra de Collserola. To preserve the area, in 1987 the Parc de Collserola (Collserola Park), which has an area of 84.65 km 2, was established. It is one of the largest metropolitan parks in the world - 8 times larger than the Bois de Boulogne in Paris, and 22 times larger than Central Park in New York.
Parc de Collserola National Park in Barcelona

With an area of nearly 20,000 acres, Collserola Natural Park is one of the largest metropolitan parks in the world. It sits in the Serra de Collserola coastal mountain range, on the northeastern edge of Barcelona, where vast woodlands are home to an abundance of flora and fauna.
An Aerial Shot of The Church of the Sacred Heart in the Serra de Collserola Natural Park

Collserola, Forat del Vent, Portell de Valldaura, El Mecedor - Ruta circular. Intermediate Hiking Tour. Good fitness required. Mostly accessible paths. Sure-footedness required. to see even more hikes in Serra De Collserola. Browse the best walks in Serra De Collserola and see interactive maps of the top 20 hiking trails and routes.
Parque natural de la Sierra de Collserola un paraíso natural en plena Barcelona

For most people visiting Barcelona, a quick trip to the top of Tibidabo is a must. Possibly even a brief ramble down the other side to see the stunning 'La Font De La Budellera'. Most, however, will be discouraged from properly exploring Collserola due to its size. 8000 hectares of mountainous forest, complete with rich history, numerous ruins.